Day One, 2021-22, at Post Office Projects, Image by Rosina Possingham
Day One
14 August - 17 September 2022
Post Office Projects
Day One examines personal experiences of motherhood, infertility and homemaking through the all-consuming process of observing ones menstrual cycle. Throughout my experience with chronic illness and infertility, this work began as a cathartic exercise; however through conversations I realise I share this experience with a large but overwhelmingly quiet community of people. For many these numbers are incredibly meaningful, revealing and deeply personal. It is this honest and humble making, in an excessive and insistent fashion, that holds great weight within this work. It identifies the human impulse to create, and a need to express something intangible through material form.
This exhibition has been supported by Guildhouse through the Catapult Mentorship and Arts South Australia.